Membership has its rewards. In addition to the classes we offer, our members get access to open floor time, discounts on drop-ins, merchandise and events, access to our research library, and guest passes to introduce your friends to the school. Our membership rates are below, but we encourage you to talk with our instructors about which membership plan best suits your goals at Academia Duellatoria.
βThe exercise of weapons putteth away aches, griefes, and disease, it increaseth strength, and sharpneth the wits. It giveth a perfect judgement, it expelleth melancholy, cholericke and evil conceits, it keepeth a man in breath, perfect health, and long life. It is unto him that hath the perfection thereof, a most friendly and comfortable companion when he is alone, having but only his weapon about him. It putteth him out of fear, and in the wars and places of most danger, it maketh him bold, hardie and valiant.β George Silver β 1599
Portland Oregon Memberships
- Contributing Membership (0 classes/month) = $10.00/month
- Drop in class +$10.00 members, $15.00 non-members
- Tier 1 Membership (5 classes/month = 1 class per week) = $45.00/month
- Tier 2 Membership (10 classes/month = 2 classes per week) = $70.00/month
- Tier 3 Membership (20 classes/month = 4 classes per week) = $85.00/month
- Tier 4 Membership (30 Classes/Month = 6 classes per week) = $100.00/month
- Unlimited Membership (Unlimited classes/Month) = $135.00/month
Phoenix Oregon Memberships
- $35 Once a week per month.
- $45 for Twice a week per month.
"There is nothing impossible to him who will try."
- Alexander the GREAT