Jeff Richardson
Instructor at Arms
Portland Oregon Instructor
Rapier Fencing - Thibault and Saviolo Systems
Bolognese, Sword and Buckler, Longsword
Military Saber
Coming from a background of Eastern Martial Arts in the Shotokan, Tae Kwon Do, and Modern Olympic Fencing as well, Jeff eventually found himself deeply involved in the American Open Style Karate with the American Karate Academy. Jeff has been an assistant instructor in American Open Style Karate and currently holds the ranking of Black Belt. Having also spent significant time in the Rapier and Epee stage choreography arena, Jeff became in involved in stunt choreography and has been on scene in films such as Westender, Spin of Fabrications, and Legendary - A tale of blood and steel. All the while becoming aquainted with individuals such as Anthony DeLongis and Michael Greer.
In time Jeff worked as an apprentice at the Ironcastle Armories learning the art of historic armoring. But it was not long before Jeff found himself involved with the Historic European Martial Arts Systems of Vincentio Saviolo,Gerard Thibault, Achillis Morrozzo, and Destreza just to name a few. Jeff has been active in the martial arts arena as well as the stage and screen venues for over 30 years and is one of the founding members of the Academia Duellatoria School of Historic European Martial Arts and is teaching at the Beaverton Oregon location.
John Czekala
Instructor at Arms
Phoenix Oregon Instructor
Rapier Fencing - Thibault and Saviolo Systems
John Czekala, a retired Lieutenant Colonel of the U.S. Military comes from a background of martial arts. Beginning with Polish Sabre John eventually became involved in Eastern Martial Arts as a young man. John has Nidan in Kenpo and has studied the art of Lado for ten years as an early member of the North American Lado Society.
While attending advanced studies at the Army Command and Genderal Staff College, John rediscovered his interest in Western Military History. Ultimately John became involved in the Historic European Martial Arts. Studying the Spanish Rapier arts, the Rapier systems of Vincentio Saviolo and Gerard Thibault, John is also pursuing his Docterate in Military History and is a Journeyman in the American Bladesmith Society working towards his Masters; John also holds the title as Advanced Certified Archery Instructor and took third in the NFAA National Indoor Archery Championships. John Czekala is one of the founding members of the Academia Duellatoria School and is teaching at the Phoenix Oregon School.